What Stage of Business Are YOU In?

We have tailored bookkeeping solutions for all businesses, large and small.

One size definitely does not fit all (whether you’re talking about spanners or Kmart leggings). Which is why we’ve created bookkeeping services for every stage of business. Our solutions include:

  • Bookkeeping file audits
  • Software setup and training
  • Bookkeeping services
  • BAS preparation
  • Payroll services
  • Superannuation lodgement
  • Cashflow coaching

We have a solution for everyone, no matter what stage you’re at. Check it out and see where your business fits:

Check up

Just like your teeth and car, your bookwork should get a regular check-up from a qualified expert.

The difference with our check-ups? Well, for starters, it doesn’t hurt (the body, or the bank for that matter). Better yet, you walk away with solid gold. We’re talking about your very own detailed checklist of feedback and actionable steps to improve your bookwork so you can continue on your merry way doing your bookwork, with the peace of mind that it’s all correct.

It’s like they say, it’s better to be safe than sorry. We don’t want to scare you… but the taxman will give you more nerve pain than any cavity if you don’t do regular check-ups.

Start up

So you’re starting your very own empire, congrats. You’re in for a magical ride.

Lap up the euphoria of this fresh new beginning; it’s quite the achievement! A little wise word from your business-buddies (us): use the time to put some processes and systems in place… future-you will be thankful.

Do you want to know what else you can do to make future-you less stressed? Hire qualified experts who’ve walked the walk and helped other business owners just like yourself conquer the business world. Well… at least the bookkeeping side of it, which counts, right?

Fix Up

So we hear you’ve been doing your own bookwork, and maybe it isn’t your jam?

Perhaps it’s starting to resemble the third drawer in your kitchen. You know, the one you stash everything in that doesn’t have an ‘official’ home?? Yep, we know you, and we get it. Here’s the deal: we’ve seen our fair share of messy bookwork (and third drawers, for that matter). You’re not alone if you’re a little worried about the state of your bookkeeping and lack of bean-counting skills—it’s completely normal. And it’s not your fault. You’re amazing at what you do for a living, but what you ‘do’ doesn’t typically include reconciling bank accounts.

Let us use our meticulous minds to help you organise and systemise your data into something meaningful, something you can use to make intelligent business decisions.

Keep up

You’re busy. So. Many. Things. The clock keeps ticking, and the unrelenting to-do list is well…un-freaking-relenting!

Our educated guesstimation would be that 70% of business owners use their Sunday to catch up on admin. Why? Because it’s the only time a business owner stops working ‘in’ their business. The clients take pause, the emails and phone stop, and staff aren’t looking for directions. Naturally, a business owner sees this as the perfect opportunity to catch up. Before long, the business owner gets tired; there’s no family time, no downtime, no fun-time – just resentment. Sound familiar?

Stop using your Sundays to do admin; you and I both know this wasn’t in your shiny business plan. Let us help.

Move up

It’s official, you’re ready to put your big-business-breaches on and hire an administration employee; you’re ready to move right on up that management chain.

Hiring in-house administration staff can be an efficient answer to dealing with the sheer volume of work coming into your business. But it can also be daunting. I mean, what if the bookwork isn’t being completed correctly? What if the administrative employee doesn’t quite understand the complexities of GST and payroll? We know it can be assuring to have a registered tax professional review the bookwork periodically, perhaps even prepare the BAS’s etc – which is why we have services specifically for this purpose.

We’ve spent many hours drinking coffee, consuming calories, and carefully digesting the latest in GST and payroll legislation so your administration staff can focus on helping you juggle all things business, and you can have the confidence that your work is being completed not only efficiently, but also to a professional standard.

Move on

It’s time. Your fledging business has grown to the point where it’s in your best interest to hire a full-time accounts staff member.

It’s always a bittersweet time for us here at Small Biz HQ when our clients get to this stage in business. Quite often we’ve watched a business owner pour their heart and soul into the business, and we too pour in a little heart and soul while we tend to its growing needs… then all of a sudden, like a birdie leaving the nest, you don’t need us anymore. Or do you?

Thing is, we know the inner workings of your business better than anyone, it’s only logical that we train your new full-time staff member for you. Goodbyes are never easy, but they’re made much easier when we leave a tailored accounts procedure manual you can refer to long after you’ve flown the Small Biz HQ nest.

How we work

Here’s the deal: we’re 96.5% caffeinated, 100% Xero fans, 98% remote service, 100% real-talkin’ number-nerds. We start with the three levels of service and customise a program especially for your business and budget.

Wanna be one of the 2% of clients who enjoy onsite service? We can do that too.


The Gift of

basic bookkeeping and compliance


The Gift of

all of the compliance and with regular overview reports


The Gift of

all of the above with quarterly goal setting, monthly accountability and priority access.

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